The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: Took early retirement from PSU EE faculty in 1983 after being the Director of the Solid State Device Lab and became Executive Director of Mass. Microelectronics Center, a nine university consortium, to develop and implement an IC circuit CAD system, instructional IC processing labs and central, fast turn, IC fabrication facility. Raised over $20 million to match state funds. Left in 1987 to concentrate on European business partnership and some venture capital work. In 1989 became Executive Director of Univ. South Florida Center for Microelectronics Research and built faculty and research staff. Obtained over $14 million in funding from DARPA. Left in 1991 to become CEO of RF Power Products, a subsidiary of Plasma Therm. Spun-off RFPP from PT and listed on American Stock Exchange in 1992. Grew revenues RFPP to over $35 million and sold it to Advanced Energy in 1998. Currently involved in "angel investing" and serve as a director in both public and private companies. |